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ECRIS Light Peer Reviewing

The ECRIS Light Peer Review process offers an intermediate level of publication between a non-refereed ECRIS paper published in the JACoW conference proceedings and a refereed journal like PRAB.

Successful peer reviewed papers are normally published in a refereed Journal as the Institute of Physics Journal of Physics: Conference Series and therefore visible in the known publication and citation databases. The papers submitted to the Peer Reviewed ECRIS proceedings are reviewed by referees selected among senior conference participants by the Scientific Publication Board (SPB).  All papers are reviewed by two or more referees.  In the event of disagreement between referees, the SPB shall resolve the case.

Due to limitations on time and number of referees, it cannot be guaranteed that all papers submitted will be reviewed.  An average ECRIS normally expects that around 200 papers will be processed on a first come, first served basis pro rata of the number of papers per Main Classification.

General LPR workflow with Indico

The following pages describe the general ECRIS workflow for LPR. Please refer to the specific instructions of a particular ECRIS for all the additional actions that a conference may request.

The submission of LPR papers usually happen before the general submission of papers. An author of a LPR paper will need to pass through the light review steps described here. Whenever the paper will be accepted for the LPR publication, the author will need to submit the paper again twice: first for the general publication in and then, with a revised version, directly to the refereed journal. The former is described in the paper submission section of this manual while the latter is normally described on any specific ECRIS website.

The Indico developers provide documentation on its Paper Peer Reviewing module. Feel free to refer to those instructions as a compendium with those here published, which are specific to the ECRIS LPR workflow.